We love attending costume events, so we are off to escape into an enchanted fantasy.
Myth Masque
Myth Masque is a fantastic realm of fantasy critters and magical creations, where creatures both shy and bold venture in the night, where danger, mystery, love, and adventure lurk in the shadows and in the bright lights.
Let’s take a look at all the wonderful costumes and creatures in attendance, shall we?
Being a vampire allows me to be simple and elegant, moving in and out of the shadows with ease.
This creature is a combination of detailed body paint, glued-on glitter, bejeweled pants, and quills braided into her hair. One should have a care when cuddling such a creation.
Some attire takes over your body such that you have to stay fairly stationary. Still, if you look this good, it’s worth it.
Enjoy a few more photographs of the denizens of this magical place, and notice that themes begin to appear.
Big Hair Creatures
There are people for whom hair makes the costume come to life.
We have to wonder: was the hair procured for this event, or was it one of an assortment of wigs stored carefully in the wig-storage room?
We suspect she had to travel to this event in a convertible. And, in case you are wondering, no one would have looked twice in LA at a girl in a convertible driving down the highway with hair like this. It would not be all that weird by LA standards. 😎
Perhaps these folks are professional jesters who attend to entertain. Because, we again wonder if they have a room full of fancy costumes and rows and rows of wigs.
The red background of the bar brings out the redness of this redhead. We hope the carpet matches the drapes, at least in quantity. But we are naughty like that. ?
Tall Creatures
And what would any event be without tall people?
It is amazing that these folks are walking on uneven surfaces at a crowded event while wearing vision-impairing masks. I have problems just walking down the street.
This couple is also seemingly impervious to taking a tumble. Perhaps they spend so much time costumed as such that it is indeed effortless.
Black and White Creations
Swan Lake showed us the importance of black and white imagery, and our costumed adventures continue the traditions.

This is why your mother told you to stand straight: you might have to support a large skull on your head one day.
These two creatures obviously represent good and evil. But which creature is good and which creature is evil is up to you.
Two creatures, so different, yet so alike in their fantasy world. We approve.
There are other notables at the event distinguished by their choice of basic black and white.
Visions in Blue
For some reason, “blue” means sad. You’d never know it looking at these blue beauties.
These appear to be creatures of the sea, so naturally they are blue, right? And don’t look into those blue eyes for too long; you may lose your soul in their depth.
We think this creature is a dragon, given the small horn at the tip of her snout. We don’t know why she is blue; perhaps it is very cold where she comes from…
There is hair and feathers everywhere as these two black and blue, well, blue and black, creatures pose for us. Smile!
This is the same creature from the previous photograph, and now we know why she isn’t smiling: She doesn’t have to. Mistress smiles when Mistress desires to smile.
With just a little bit of effort, you can pull your gaze from her ampleness and look for a moment into her eyes. When you are finished indulging in that particular fantasy, notice the lovely costume highlighted in blue.
Wild creatures have fangs, and fantasy creatures are no different.
Fangs come in many shapes and sizes, and these seem to be for piercing jugular veins. And yes, you are probably thinking, “Yeah, but it would be worth it!” We do not disagree. 😀
You will notice that these fangs are canine teeth rather than incisors. She has to open her mouth much, much wider to engage those lovely teeth in blood sport.
This creature puts me in mind of deep sea creature that use bioluminescence to attract their prey. If there is something shiny in an unknown creatures mouth, you should probably treat it as a warning.
Of all the fantasy creatures at Myth Masque, the most fantastic is real.
Yes, there is a real wolf here, canis lupis. It is obviously very accustomed to being around people, and I pause to show it my set of choppers. I do not think the wolf was impressed.
Other creatures posed with the wolf. They, too, did not particularly impress it.
Horsing Around
You can’t have a party without a really big rocking horse!
We think of rocking horses as mindless entertainment for small children, but when you put an adult on one, the grins begin!
Three lovely creatures are three times the fun. Giddy up, cowgirl! And, yes, we can not explain that costume…like, how did she put it on and how did she get it to cover her fun bits just right?
Frames have been provided, allowing the guests to look picture perfect.
Remember that cameras take photographs, not pictures. Although in this case, it is a photograph of a picture.
No, this isn’t a very small person. There are small, moveable frames and large stationary frames. And, Twilight Zone-ish, she is half in and half out.
Being on the wrong side of a picture can be a disheartening experience. Also, if she’s not wearing panties, ouch!
Enjoy these other framed creatures of fancy.
There are performers in abundance but, in truth, we don’t know for certain which are hired for the occasion and which are simply gifted critters.
The courtyard has wandering minstrels, including a violinist who enchants a mythical beast with her siren’s song.
One of the many scheduled performances is a troupe of intense-looking belly dancers. Belly dancing is very serious business, I guess.
The lady in white seems out of place, but perhaps there is something I don’t understand about mer-folk. At any rate, you can see the many ways that fish-ladies adorn their human half.
Enjoy these performers performing and posing for our pleasure.
A Few Photographs of Us
Since this is our magazine, we are indulging ourselves with a few more photographs of us because, why not?
The particular outfit has a long train, particularly the arms. We make special effort to keep other creatures from treading on it.
This gives you a better view of, well, everything. 😀
We frequently forget to have our photograph taken together, so it’s nice that we remember now and then.
All good and wonderful things must come to an end, and we hope we have inspired you to put on a costume and find an enchanted land to indulge your favorite fantasy creature dwelling deep in your heart.